Sunday, September 8, 2024

Inclusive, sustainable, welcoming national sports federations: health promoting sports federation implementation guidance

Must read


National sports federations (‎NSFs)‎ are committed to health promotion,
supporting the development of sportworldwide and emphasizing its
physical, mental and social benefits. They are increasingly present in
sportfor all, sport for health and health promotion, and sport
organizations have called for guidelines. Health canbe promoted not only
where people play sport but also where they learn, work, play and love.
National sportfederations therefore play a key role in society by
providing conditions whereby their members can controltheir health and
well-being. The Health Promoting Sports Federation (‎HPSF)‎ has provided
this guidance on health promotion for NSFs and their partners. The
first chapter describes the benefits of a health promoting sports
federation, the indicators for evaluation and the stages towards
becoming an HPSF. The second chapter presents case studies of NSFs and
their experiences. The third chapter offers concrete examples of actions
and interventions based on the theoretical model of a health promoting
sports club. The fourth chapter reviews 28 tools that can be used to
promote health in sport with the intervention framework. These guidance
will help NSFs to implement health promotion comprehensively, from
policies to action. They propose a process for making health promotion
live within both the NSF and affiliated sport clubs. They will catalyze
the visibility and recognition of the potential of NSFs for society and
for fostering the health and empowerment of sport club members.


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