Thursday, September 19, 2024

Live: Local and European election results – All eyes turn to Europe |

Must read

  • Counting begins again at 9am, with the focus today on the European election ballots. Follow the Euro results here
  • In Dublin Euro constituency, tallies indicate Fianna FĂĄil’s Barry Andrews and Fine Gael’s Regina Doherty are leading the way.
  • In Midlands North West – the limited tallies suggest sitting MEPS Luke Ming Flanagan, and FGs Maria Walsh are doing well
  • In Ireland South early indications are Billy Kelleher and Michael McNamara are performing strongly
  • In the local elections, Fine Gael is poised to be the biggest party in local government, with Independents making gains
  • The majority of the 949 local election seats remain to be filled

 Local Election results – State of the parties


The Returning Officer at the Ireland South count centre has said he doesn’t expect the first count to be completed until very late tonight or tomorrow morning.

Two hundred and fifty staff are currently sorting around 715,000 European election ballot papers this morning before the count begins.

Invalid and spoilt papers will be bundled together and reviewed by candidates and count centre staff at around 9pm,. However, it may be later.



Counting is underway in the RDS Simmonscourt for the Dublin European Parliament constituency.

It looks like there will be a fight for one, possibly two seats.

Regina Doherty of Fine Gael and Barry Andrews of Fianna FĂĄil are expected to take up two seats in Dublin, after partial tallies showed trends of both parties picking up votes across the county.

Niall Boylan is also showing well and will be well in the mix for a seat.

After that, Sinn FĂ©in’s local election performance in Dublin will be of huge concern as they ran both Lynn Boylan and Daithi Doolan.

Labour were in an optimistic mood and tallies show good first preferences for Aodhan Ó Ríordáin. Incumbent MEPs Ciarán Cuffe and Clare Daly are in danger of losing their seats.

One to watch though could be Brid Smyth of People Before Profit. Partial tallies looked decent for her and the party itself has had a good local election campaign in Dublin.

All that said, there is no tally being conducted this morning, so the full picture is far from clear.



The story of the local elections has been the Government parties doing much better than expected, the Independents polling very well and Sinn FĂ©in having a disappointing run

Today all eyes will be on the European elections with 14 seats up for grabs.

In Dublin, tallies indicate Fianna FĂĄil’s Barry Andrews and Fine Gael’s Regina Doherty will get the first two seats and Sinn FĂ©in’s Lynn Boylan could get the third.

But it will be a dog fight for the final one with between Niall Boylan, Aodhán Ó Ríordáin, Ciarán Cuffe, Brid Smith and Clare Daly all in the mix.

In Midlands North-West – the limited tallies suggest sitting MEPS Luke Ming Flanagan, and Fine Gael’s Maria Walsh are doing well – along with Fianna FĂĄil’s Barry Cowen and former broadcaster Ciaran Mullooly.

While in Ireland South, early indications are Billy Kelleher and Michael McNamara are performing strongly.

Official counting for the mayor elections in Limerick doesn’t begin until Monday, but tallies show John Moran out in a comfortable lead followed by Helen O’Donnell.



Counting in the European elections gets underway at 9am this morning. With the Government parties doing much better than many predicted in the local elections, the focus will now turn to the European ones.

The story of the local elections has been the Government parties doing much better than expected, the Independents polling very well and Sinn FĂ©in having a disappointing run.

Today all eyes will be on the European elections with 14 seats up for grabs.

In Dublin, tallies indicate Fianna FĂĄil’s Barry Andrews and Fine Gael’s Regina Doherty will get the first two seats and Sinn FĂ©in’s Lynn Boylan could get the third.

But it is expected to be a close fight for the final one with between Niall Boylan, Aodhan O’Riordan, Ciaran Cuffe, Brid Smith and Clare Daly all in the mix.

In Midlands North West – the limited tallies suggest sitting MEPS Luke Ming Flanagan, and FGs Maria Walsh are doing well – along with Fianna Fail’s Barry Cowen and former broadcaster Ciaran Mllooly.

It looks like Cowen and Lisa Chambers, plus Sinn FĂ©in’s Chris McManus and Michelle Gildernew and Aontu Leader Peadar Tobin could be in a fight for the final two seats.

While in Ireland South early indications are Billy Kelleher and Michael McNamara are performing strongly.

Official counting for the mayor elections in Limerick doesn’t begin until Monday, but tallies show John Moran out in a comfortable lead, followed by Helen O’Donnell.

In the local elections, the Tullow LEA in Carlow has returned John Pender (FF) & Charlie Murphy (Ind) – they join Tommy Kinsella (FG) & Willie Quinn (Lab) of the Bagenalstown LEA.

In Cork City Northwest, Damien Boyle of Fine Gael and Tony Fitzgerald of Fianna FĂĄil have been elected on the first count.

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