Monday, September 16, 2024


Job quality: a sine qua non, not just nice to have

Elevating job quality by resourcing workers better is pivotal to addressing today’s workplace and societal challenges. The pandemic made us reassess many aspects of our...

Lean work and a narrowing path to ‘good jobs’

Work regimes are increasingly demanding. But ‘leaner’ does not mean ‘fitter’ for workers. The ‘gig’ worker delivering food by bicycle, the Amazon warehouse worker picking...

ICT specialists – statistics on hard-to-fill vacancies in enterprises

Employment and recruitment of ICT specialists 21.0 % of EU enterprises employed ICT specialists in 2022 In 2022, 21.0 % of EU enterprises employed ICT specialists....

Want an AI Job? These Are The Most AI-ready European Locations

Careers in AI, ML and computer vision aren’t the only career paths experiencing demand, but for casual observers, 2023 has undisputedly been all about...

Culture statistics – cultural employment

Cultural employment – current state and latest developments In 2022, cultural employment accounted for 3.8 % of total employment in the EU, (equal to 7.7 million...

Employment flash estimate in 45 days for Europe

How is the preliminary flash produced? In brief, a majority of EU Member States transmit their employment growth estimates to Eurostat one day before...

European Globalisation Adjustment Fund helped 13,000 dismissed workers to re-train and get back into employment, new report highlights

Today, the Commission published the activity report of the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund for Displaced Workers (EGF) for 2021-2022. ...

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