Sunday, September 8, 2024


Access City Award 2024: applications to be evaluated

Applications for the Access City Award 2024 competition opened on July 17 2023 and closed on 18 September 2023. They will now be...

Brexit is blocking UK workers from seasonal roles, say travel firms

Sign up to our free Brexit and beyond email for the latest headlines on what Brexit is meaning for the UKSign up to our...

Cooks, nurses… Which jobs need more workers in Europe?

A recent report has identified 38 jobs that are lacking workers, and 37 that have too...

Employment in the environmental goods and services sector

The European Green Deal and the Eighth Environment Action Programme (8th EAP) aim to accelerate the green transition of the EU’s economy....

Pact for Skills: Launch of large-scale renewable energy skills partnership

Today, renewable energy trade associations and representatives of installers of clean technologies, with the support of the European Commission, have set up a...

‘They’re taking our jobs’—really?

It is widely believed that migrants have displaced indigenous workers in Europe. Widely believed, but false. The arrival in 2015 of well over a million...

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