Sunday, September 22, 2024

How the total Solar eclipse on April 8 impact the zodiac signs

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Eclipses are significant events that can powerfully impact our lives and the world around us. In astronomy, an eclipse is the obscuring of a celestial body by another. An eclipse occurs when three celestial objects become aligned. For a person on Earth, the Sun is eclipsed when the moon’s shadow falls on the Earth. In other words, the light of the Sun is blocked by the Moon. The first solar eclipse of 2024 will take place on 8 April. The first solar eclipse of the year is slated to occur in Pisces zodiac sign. The Moon will be at the perigee. Mercury retrograde inching towards Pisces and Venus will be in its exaltation sign. This is the time to surrender to the divine and harness the energies to manifest your desires and aspirations.

A rare celestial event, the ‘total solar eclipse’ will take place at the moon’s ascending node on Monday 8 April 2024. The total solar eclipse will start at 9:12  pm IST and will last until 2:22 am IST. It will be visible from Canada, Mexico, and parts of North America. This spectacular phenomenon will also be the longest total solar eclipse in over half a century.

Do’s and don’ts during the Solar eclipse 2024

  • Do not start any new project or auspicious work during the eclipse.
  • Avoid looking directly at the Sun during the eclipse as it can damage your eyesight.
  • Avoid eating or drinking anything during the eclipse period. Cooking should also be avoided.
  • Sleeping during an eclipse is also not recommended.
  • Avoid outdoor activities during the eclipse period.
  • Travel during an eclipse is not considered good.
  • Having a bath after the eclipse to wash off the negativity is a good idea.
  • Pregnant women should stay indoors and take full care.
  • Temples are shut because the eclipses emit certain negative energies. But it is a good idea to pray, meditate and chant indoors.
  • Donations are a good way to negate the ill effects of the eclipses.

Astrologically, a solar eclipse is considered a bad omen. According to Hindu mythology, the deity Rahu was beheaded after he was caught drinking Amrit (divine nectar). His severed head swallowed the sun thus causing the eclipse. In Vietnamese culture, it is believed that the eclipse was caused by a giant frog devouring the sun. In Chinese culture, it is believed that a celestial dragon lunches on the sun during an eclipse. The Chinese name for eclipse is Chih which means to eat. In Korean culture, it is believed that dogs are trying to steal the Sun. The ancient Greeks believed that solar eclipse was a sign of gods being angry and marked the beginning of destruction and disaster. Whichever culture it may be, the eclipse signifies the Sun, which is the king of our solar system, to be under distress.

Even though we know the scientific reason for the eclipse, people around the world see the eclipse as an evil omen. There is a lot of negative energy associated with the eclipse.

How will the solar eclipse on April 8 affect the zodiac signs?

Aries (March 21 to April 19)

This eclipse will be a wake-up call for Aries sun sign natives. Things will not work out as planned and you will have to work very hard to achieve your goals. Expenses will be inordinate and you might struggle with your finances. New opportunities will come and you will be at your creative best. You are likely to go through an emotional awakening and start cherishing your relationships more. You are likely to move ahead positively in spite of the challenges.

Pro Tip: Focus more on love and relationships.

Taurus (April 20 to May 20)

Taurus sun sign natives will experience a lot of change in their lives. Your way of functioning at work is likely to change and you might win the appreciation of your colleagues.  Financially, this eclipse will do wonders and you are going to discover new potential. A sudden influx of money is indicated. Your friend circle will increase. Focus on personal growth.

Pro Tip: Face your fears head-on like a bull.

Gemini (May 21 to June 20)

Gemini sun sign natives will gain popularity. You will be recognised for your leadership qualities. The solar eclipse will get you some worthwhile opportunities and you need to be vigilant to grab them.  You will improve your relationships and become closer to your family and friends. This eclipse will make your zest for learning stronger and you are likely to acquire new skills. Financial gains are indicated during this time.

Pro Tip: Be honest in your communications.

Cancer (June 21 to July 22)

Cancer sun sign natives will enjoy academic brilliance and your professional life is all set to bloom. Students will perform exceedingly well. Your hard work will be suitably rewarded and the finances will grow. All around relationships will be harmonious. You are likely to be inclined towards religious activities and will be generous in donations and social work.

Pro Tip: Your ingratiating sense of humour will be at its best.

Leo (July 23 to August 22)

Leo sun sign natives might travel a lot but the journeys might not be fruitful. You might enrol in a course and brush up your existing skills. The eclipse might get you some professional challenges and financial losses. You need to look after your health during this eclipse. There might be some acrimony in your relationships.

Pro Tip: Keep being enthusiastic and zesty.

Virgo (August 23 to September 22)

Virgo sun sign natives will develop a strong acumen this eclipse and your professional growth will be significant. Expect major changes on the work front. You might get sudden success. Your personal front will require attention. Keep your mind relaxed and think carefully before you speak lest you upset your near and dear ones.

Pro Tip: Be grounded and mind your tongue.

Libra (September 23 to October 22)

Libra sun sign natives need to let go of their past baggage this eclipse as it might hinder their growth. Focus on teamwork in overcoming challenges and work towards improving your relationships. This eclipse, you need to resolve issues instead of running away from them. Release your insecurities and embrace growth.

Pro Tip: Try to focus on inner growth and spirituality.

Scorpio (October 23 to November 21)

Scorpio sun sign natives will experience overwork and failure at work. You need to find progressive solutions. Prioritise your health this eclipse and focus on your relationships. Some turbulence relating to children or youngsters in the family will need attention. Your partner will be very supportive.

Pro Tip: Create new routines and focus on your health and wellness.

Sagittarius (November 22 to December 21)

Sagittarius sun sign natives will experience some turmoil in their relationships this eclipse, but professionally you will be an achiever. You are likely to maintain a good balance and you will manage to get the harmony back soon. A trip abroad might get you good financial gains. You might get some good news from the children or youngsters of the family.

Pro Tip: Stay cool and focus on your relationships.

Capricorn (December 22 to January 19)

Capricorn sun sign natives might experience some bumps with respect to their work during the eclipse. Your progress will be slow, but these obstacles will act as catalysts and enhance your performance later. Your relationships will be pleasurable. You might set new equations and your bonhomie with all the members will increase. Your friendships will grow stronger and friends will be a source of joy and support.

Pro Tip: Try to be less materialistic and more ambitious.

Aquarius (January 20 to February 18)

Aquarius sun sign natives might face some derailment at work. Things might suddenly go wrong during the eclipse period. When the going gets tough, the tough gets going. You are likely to handle your affairs well and get back on track. Things will not go as planned, but the alternative route will turn out better. You will be at your caring and loving best and bond well with all the family members.

Pro Tip: Try to learn new skills and work on your communication skills as well.

Pisces (February 19 to March 20)

Pisces sun sign natives will experience a lot of changes in their lives during this eclipse. Your work strategy is all set to metamorphose, and you will be oozing confidence. You will win accolades at work and your finances are set to increase. The expenses will skyrocket and despite good inflow, you might feel the crunch. Your personal equations are all set to undergo drastic changes.

Pro Tip: Embrace the change with positivity.

Hero and Featured Images: Courtesy Jongsun Lee/Unsplash

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

– Will the eclipse be visible in India?

No, it will not be visible in India as it will at night.

– What is the best place to see the eclipse?

The best places singled out to see the solar eclipse are Mexico and Texas.

– What is the date and time for the eclipse?

The solar eclipse is falling on 8 April 2024 from 9:12 pm IST to 2:22 am IST.

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