Monday, September 16, 2024


Must read

Nature-based solutions can play a pivotal role in tackling the country’s current and future water challenges. These include restoring polluted or filled in rivers, lakes and wetlands to their natural state, and employing less polluting and water- intensive techniques in agriculture.

Supported by EU funds, investments in water supply and wastewater networks in Hungary have been made. For example, more than €19 million has been invested in improving drinking water quality in Western and South Transdanubian in 2023. In addition, reservoirs to retain flooding are being built as part of a national plan. These are expected to be completed by 2050.

With proper policy, innovation and investment, Ireland can become water resilient. But there is some way to go.

An OECD study indicated that Hungary would need to increase their investments further to reach and maintain compliance with existing water legislation. The OECD estimated the financing needs for the period 2023-2030 (total cumulative additional expenditures for sanitation) at EUR 24.9 billion.

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