Friday, September 20, 2024

Kambia District Council Inaugurates EU-funded Shopping Centre, Bamoi Luma Market Stalls, Guest House and Conference Centre

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17 April 2024, Kambia, Sierra Leone: In the esteemed presence of Minister of Local Government and Community Affairs, Amb. Tamba Lamina, the European Union External Action Service (EEAS) Managing Director for Africa, Rita Laranjinha, EEAS Desk Officer for Sierra Leone, Hana Missaoui, and the EU Ambassador to Sierra Leone Manuel Müller, alongside various government officials stakeholders of Kambia District Council, came together to inaugurate vital infrastructure projects in Kambia district.

The recent commissioning ceremony marked a significant stride in the district’s development journey, spotlighting the pivotal role of infrastructure projects in fostering growth and prosperity.

Constructed with funding from the European Union, the state-of-the-art Conference Centre and Guest-House at the Gbalamuya border town between Sierra Leone and Guinea stands as a testament to the district’s progress, underscoring the importance of strategic infrastructure investments.

The projects also include a shopping center comprising 55 shops and stores at the Kambia Lorry Park, alongside a market center featuring numerous stalls at the Barmoi Luma Market tradefair zone. These facilities serve as pivotal hubs for trade and commerce, facilitating economic exchanges between Sierra Leone and Guinea, thereby bolstering socio-economic growth and empowering local businesses.

The revitalization of the Bamoi Luma market stores underscores the significance of vibrant marketplaces in fostering economic activity and community cohesion. These upgraded facilities not only offer traders enhanced security for their goods but also provide platforms for entrepreneurship and livelihood development.

Furthermore, the Transit Facility at Gbalamuya Crossing Point and the improved road network between the Guinean and Liberian borders facilitate cross-border trade, promote regional integration, and strengthen economic ties with neighboring countries.

The initiatives aim to enhance revenue generation for the district council while providing essential social services to the people of Kambia, aligning with the EU’s commitment to sustainable development and inclusive growth.

Rita Laranjinha, EEAS Managing Director for Africa said, “the EU firmly believes that Sierra Leonean initiatives for local governance play a crucial role in promoting good governance and fostering inclusive economic development. Effective governance requires a system that acknowledges and values the unique needs, priorities, and contributions of local actors…This is in line with the Government Big-5 initiative and with the EU Global Gateway offer to Africa.”

Ambassador Manuel Müller said, “the EU has a long relationship with local councils like the Kambia Local Council and is proud to sustainably contribute to the development of the district. We believe that decentralization helps bring development like good roads, culverts, water facilities, market stalls and many more to local communities. These investments will significantly help farmers and traders, and will increase the incomes of particularly market women.”

Testimonials from local stakeholders, including Ishiatu Kamara of the Kambia Petty Traders Association and Alpha Amadu Bah of the National President of Motor Drivers and General Workers Association, highlighted the transformative impact of these projects on local livelihoods and regional connectivity.

Edward Alpha, Chief Administrator of Kambia District Council, expressed gratitude for the EU’s support in enhancing the council’s capacity and service delivery to the people.

The successful inauguration of these projects underscores the collaborative efforts of government agencies, development partners, and local communities in driving inclusive and sustainable development in Kambia District and beyond.

The successful commissioning of these projects underscores the collaborative efforts of government agencies, development partners, and local communities in driving inclusive and sustainable development in Kambia District. These initiatives will continue to serve as catalysts for growth, prosperity, and progress in the district and beyond.

The EU-funded Support to Civil Society and Local Authorities for Local Development in Sierra Leone project aims to empower district councils to drive good governance and sustainable development. By enhancing institutional capacity and local revenue generation, the program enables district councils to expand access to essential services, promote sustainable practices, and stimulate economic growth.

Implemented with technical assistance from DAI, this initiative is part of the European Union’s broader efforts to support Civil Society Organisations and District Councils in Kenema, Bombali, Falaba, Kambia, Karene, and Pujehun.

For media inquiries, contact N’Fa Alie Koroma Email: N’

Read the full statement of Ms. Rita Laranjinha below:

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