Monday, September 16, 2024

Long-Haul Travel Barometer 1/2024

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Anticipations for international travel in 2024 are predominantly optimistic in key long-haul markets for Europe. However, travellers display greater reluctance to visit Europe in the initial four months of the year. This is according to the latest Long-Haul Travel Barometer (LHTB) 1/2024, which offers a snapshot of 2024 travel sentiments and plans for the first four months, January-April.

Read the article summarising the results here.


Travel horizon: January-December and January-April 2024



The Long-Haul Travel Barometer provides forward-looking information about short-term travel trends among potential travellers from Australia, Brazil, China, Canada, Japan, South Korea (new market) and the US. The analysis sheds light on travellers’ preferences, motivations and barriers related to travelling to and within Europe. Results are based on 1,000 interviews conducted in the five markets every four months. The Long-Haul Travel Barometer is a  joint project of the European Travel Commission (ETC) and  Eurail B.V. Full results are available to the members of partner organisations only. The project is realised by MMGY TCI Research.


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