Monday, September 16, 2024

Risk migrates to Europe from Asia – Asia Times

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Risk migrates to Europe from Asia

David P. Goldman writes that European political risk is rising, with gains by the National Rally in France and the AfD in Germany increasing uncertainty and volatility in European markets, while calm has returned to China’s equity markets.

French parliamentary elections as expected

Diego Faßnacht covers the French parliamentary election results, with the National Rally winning over 33% of the vote. Deep divides between the left and Macron’s supporters make cooperation challenging, likely leading to a divided and inactive parliament.

Ukraine’s losing position casts shadow over US election

James Davis notes that concerns in Kiev are rising over the impact of US political dynamics on their support, leading to discussions on securing defense services, aid, and potential NATO membership assurances. Russia appears to be cautiously observing the political situation in the US.

US sanctions on Chinese tech approach their limits

Scott Foster covers Japan’s emphasis on not imposing new tech restrictions against Beijing at Washington’s behest, highlighting China’s significant market share for Japanese semiconductor equipment makers and the pace of Chinese innovation in artificial intelligence and 5G.

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