All the usual twists and turns have made the battle for the Premier League’s European places particularly intriguing heading into the final day of...
As the Premier League season enters its final weeks, the race for the European places remains an intriguing one.Champions League, Europa League and Europa...
THE Carolina Panthers will host NFL's Germany game in Munich next season, it was announced.Carolina will play a home game at Bayern Munich's Allianz...
THE Carolina Panthers will host NFL's Germany game in Munich next season, it was announced.Carolina will play a home game at Bayern Munich's Allianz...
The Chicago Bears, Minnesota Vikings and Jacksonville Jaguars will play NFL games in London this year, while the Carolina Panthers will head to Munich’s...
“The FIFA and UEFA rules making any new interclub football project subject to their prior approval, such as the Super League, and prohibiting clubs...
Picture this: It’s a Sunday afternoon in 2038, and you’re settling in for an afternoon of football. The London Jaguars and the Berlin Buccaneers...