Friday, October 18, 2024

Weekly horoscope: Find out what will happen to your sign

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A difficult collaboration will occur between Mars in Taurus and Pluto in Aquarius, challenging you to better understand the perspectives of others, even if you disagree with them. On Friday, the Sun and Mercury will join in Gemini to bring you some new solutions to your problems.


It’s okay to disagree and have a little conflict with others, as long as it’s not about anything too serious. You will feel a little tension in the air on Tuesday, especially with your friends, but don’t believe everything you are told. On Friday, all this will fade and communication will triumph again.


Evaluation should be mutual. You must know your own values ??and not lower your standards, but on the other hand, value others. On Friday, during the cooperation of the Sun and Mercury in Gemini, you will have some economic blows, but you will rise again. Venus will help you a lot in the area of ??romance, especially to better express your feelings.


Do not think too much and for a long time, because most likely, it is not that serious. Pluto and Mars tell you not to kill your mind, especially for situations that are not so important. Mercury and the Sun empower your thinking and reasoning in ways you didn’t know before. Even Venus will give you a hand, as she will enter Cancer, to bring you more money.

The crab

Trust is often insidious, especially if you are convinced of a person, but you may not have been vigilant enough. The conjunction of Mars and Pluto motivates you to incorporate color into your thinking and move away from the ‘black and white’ approach. Review your trust in your friends and find ways you can harmonize and beautify your life.


Connecting with others is a skill, which thankfully you have. Mars and Pluto will help you see different talents and approaches in the friendships you have, or in the new ones you will create. Clear your mind of negative thoughts and things that have recently made you nervous.


Pay attention to the big picture, but also to the small details, dear Virgo! The planets will help you balance different situations and focus where you need to, to better understand the events and people in your life. Venus will illuminate the friendship zone, blurring the lines between love and companionship a bit.


Positive affirmations are key, Libra! Talk to yourself with love, kindness and compassion, because ultimately, this is where love for yourself, for your mind and body starts. Also, the way you see yourself is reflected in others, so do the things you enjoy and that bring you happiness. Expand your horizons, get inspired and strive for more success.


Find a golden mean! If you have the opportunity to benefit from something, take the opportunity and if it is challenging. On Friday, the Sun and Mercury will cooperate to illuminate your erotic zone and desires to give you new pleasures. You will attract people to help feed your curiosity, in every way.


Planets like Mars and Pluto will help you, but not in a simple way! It will challenge your mindset, ability to concentrate and small details that will motivate you to create a new concept in your life. Mercury and the Sun also strengthen your ability to negotiate.


Live according to your values! Be inspired to improve and walk unknown paths, which will most likely help you a lot in the future. You need a new and interesting way to lift the mood. You haven’t found it yet, but we know you will!


You will instantly communicate with all the people you care about, so you can let them connect with you and get to know you better. The Sun and Mercury make you a person with more self-confidence and courage. This week, you will most likely be happier and find joy in even the smallest things.


Get well by talking! If you do not tell him your problems and sufferings, most likely, they will not come out of your soul and will continue to burden you. Embrace a more positive mindset to seek and find happiness. You know: Surrounding yourself with the right people is the first step to a more peaceful life.

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